New feature
23 May 2024

Allow App Admins to rerun completed workflows or stop running workflows

Clappia now enables app admins to rerun completed workflows, even after submission edits, and stop currently running workflows, offering greater control and flexibility in process management. Click here to know more.

23 May 2024

Allow Users to Edit Pulled Data from Other Apps

Clappia now enables users to edit values of fields fetched using the 'Get Data from Other Apps' block. Previously, users could only view the pulled data, but now they can alter these values directly within the current app. Click here to know more.

23 May 2024

Enable Edits for Captured Photos for Mobile App Users

Mobile app users will now be able to draw annotations, markers, or custom text on photos before uploading them. Using the 'Camera, Images & Files' block, users can capture a photo, annotate it directly, and upload the edited image to the app. Click here to know more.

23 May 2024

Retain Values of Hidden Sections or Fields

App Admins can now decide whether the values of hidden sections or fields should be retained in the submission. Admins can enable the 'Retain value if hidden' option, which appears after setting criteria for hiding the section or field ensuring that the data from these hidden sections or fields is preserved in the submissions tab.

Example: In a multi-step approval process of a project, an initial reviewer fills out section 1 with project details, which is hidden from the final approver who only sees section 2 for approval comments. With the 'Retain value if hidden' option enabled, the project details filled in by the initial reviewer are retained and submitted along with the approval comments, ensuring a complete record of all inputs.

New feature
28 March 2024

Archive Submissions

All users with relevant permissions can now archive submissions. App admins can search, restore or permanently delete those submissions. Archived submissions will automatically be deleted permanently after 6 months. Click here to know more.